Simplify managing your sprint capacity in Azure DevOps with the Team Calendar extension

Me and my team are right in the middle of a sprint and I wanted to have more insights into our burndown. This was a bit hard because not all of us are working on the same days on the project. Some have full capacity for the sprint, some only a couple of days.

See Team Calendar from Microsoft DevLabs in the Visual Studio Marketplace. Track events important to your team, view and manage days off, quickly see when sprints start and end, and more.

Azure DevOps Sprint Capacity
Azure DevOps Sprint Capacity

Since the out of the box experience to manage sprint capacity is very limited and time consuming to cover the above scenario, I was looking for an alternative. I found the Team Calendar from Microsoft DevLabs. This DevOps extension adds a calendar to the boards section, allowing to manage the sprint via a calendar view.

Azure DevOps Team Calendar add capacity
Azure DevOps Team Calendar add capacity

See how simple it is to add days off! Select the days and click “Add days off”. This opens a dialog which only requires to select the right person in the team.

Azure DevOps Team Calendar
Azure DevOps Team Calendar


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