European Collaboration Summit 2018

Today is the first day of the European Collaboration Summit (#CollabSummit) in Mainz, Germany. The event is sold out and is hosting 1.500 delegates. I was honored to present two sessions. Find the slide decks below, if you have any questions please reach out via comments or @bramdejager.

Develop, Build, Package and Deploy Apps for Office 2013 with Visual Studio 2013–European Office 365 Connect

On April 1st and 2nd in Haarlem (The Netherlands) the first European Office 365 Connect took place. Speakers from over the world (like Dan Holme, Seb Matthews, Marc Reguera and many more) visited Haarlem and did sessions related to Office 365. I’ve done a session about Apps for Office together with Visual Studio 2013. This... Continue Reading →

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